

About NYC training program

Yuko Gondo
In the U.S., it‘s a given that students will volunteer or intern somewhere before enrolling in Medical school. I think it’s a good way to create a sense of value early on in order to prepare doctors for the struggles they will face in the future.
We also had the good fortune to meet Dr. Morishita, who runs his own laboratory researching brain mechanism. He began his research after his career as a clinician. He was so energetic and inspiring.
Throughout this whole NYC program, I felt the importance of utilizing my strengths. NYC is a somewhat competitive society and we must figure out what it is we can contribute and not hesitate to promote ourselves. I spent much time over the 2 weeks asking myself what I can offer.
At the same time, I felt the uncertain reality of the American healthcare system. I learned a great deal about the high costs for patients and the complicated paperwork for doctors.
I also developed a greater understanding of my position as a Japanese resident. I now have a clearer sense of purpose and am grateful to this program for the many opportunities it provided.

一方、NYという環境では、日本にいるだけでは感じることのない不安も多くありました。ホームレスの方を見ない通りはなく、世界の中心都市/煌びやかな世界のすぐ隣で、保険制度と医療費に関わる医療政策、公衆衛生が向かい合うべき問題をひしと感じました。 この研修を通して、日本の一研修医としてのポジションを客観的に見る事ができました。恵まれていることもあれば、チャレンジングな状況であることも事実です。自分にできる事、すべき事を整理して一歩ずつ進んでいければと思います。この研修で教えてもらったたくさんの事を、2倍にして返せるような人になれるよう、これからも研鑽を積んで参ります。
