
医学博士課程では,本コースの学生は医療革新に実績のある「イノベーション・コア講座(平成29年度は22講座)」による研究指導を受けて学位論文を提出するとともに,通常と同じく大学院修了に必要な30単位を修得しますが,その30単位の中に「メディカル・イノベーションプログラム」と名付けた必修の講義や演習,国内外の研修(インターンシップ)が10単位含まれます。このうち講義は,研究成果を実用化するための教育(メディカル・イノベーションセミナー),新規の製品について正しい評価,安全性確保を行なうための教育(レギュラトリーサイエンスセミナー),自信をもって研究を発表して世界の研究者と有意義な議論ができる実用的英語力を身につけるための教育(実践英語)の3つからなります。メディカル・イノベーションセミナーとレギュラトリーサイエンスセミナーは本年度からは e-learningによる講義となります。3つの講義に関しましては、本年度からは、本コースに所属でない大学院生も単位修得可能となりました。コース所属学生には、コース修了時にメディカル・イノベーションコース修了証が授与されます。

This is a continued medical doctoral course based on “The third way: training of doctors to make specialists in medical innovation”, a project that had been adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for the academic years of 2013-2017. The aim of this course is to nurture the doctors and medical researchers who put the results of their latest medical research to practical use through close cooperation with researchers in other fields and with private companies, thereby sending innovative medicines, medical equipment and techniques out into the world.
The students of this medical doctoral course perform their thesis studies under the instructions of “Innovation Core Laboratories (22 labs throughout the 2018 academic year)” that have achievements in medical innovation. At the same time, these students acquire the usual 30 credits necessary for graduate school completion. These 30 credits, however, require 10 credits from the “Medical Innovation Program” -lectures, practices, and domestic as well as foreign trainings (internship). The lecture component of this program consists of three subjects: Medical Innovation Seminar -students learn how to put their research results to practical use; Regulatory Science Seminar -students learn how to evaluate medical products properly and secure their safety; Practical English -students learn practical English skills that enable them to present their research as well as engage in meaningful dialogue with fellow researchers in the world. Non-course students can register above three subjects from this academic year. “Medical Innovation Seminar “and “Regulatory Science Seminar” are provided by e-learning.
At the end of the course, the course students will be awarded a Ph.D. degree based on the standard completion requirements of the graduate school and at the same time they will be awarded the diploma from the Medical Innovation Course.
