Medical English class/Pace University(医学英語研修)
Yusuke Seki
At Pace University, Ms. Janis taught us the attitude and phrases which we should have when we talk to real patient. And she told us the relation between patients, doctor and insurance offices in America. The system was quite different and I am not sure which system is better, but I thought we all in Japan are in advantaged situation. I remember that she told me that health care and medical treatment should be equal to all citizens, not for money and benefit of doctors and insurance companies.
Yuya Eguchi
I felt it difficult to learn medical terms. Especially, words which patients use when they describe their pain are various. For example, throbbing, burning, and pricking. We made small groups with 4 people, and simulated medical interview. This simulation started from self-introduction to patients, ended with case presentations. This experience was useful for simulation with SPs at simulation center.
医療用語を覚えるのが大変だと感じました。特に、患者が痛みを表現するときに用いる言葉はたくさんの種類がありました。たとえば、throbbing(ずきずきする), burning(熱痛), pricking(刺すような痛み)などです。私たちは4人のグループを作り、医療面接の演習をしました。この演習は、患者に対する自己紹介から始まり、他の医師に対する症例提示で終わる内容のものです。この経験は、後にシミュレーションセンターでSPと医療面接するのに非常に役立ちました。
Yoshitada Toyota
It was difficult for me at first because I didn’t know medical words so much, especially about patient’s feelings like “itchy”. But as I learned words or phrases I didn’t know, I could understand what he/she wants to tell me. This program was very good for the basic of medical interview.
Hirotaka Ishido
We divided into patients and doctors, then, doctors asked patients about their medical history, and patients answered about their symptoms of diseases. After taking medical histories from patients, doctors guessed patient’s disease. It was very fun for me. I think Japanese medical students should do the same game, because it was really useful for us to study sickness.