The Pre-Clinical Clerkship Program in New York
Akari Matsuoka
We visited the laboratory of Dr. Lyden in Cornell-Weill and the laboratory of Dr. Hirofumi Morishita in Mt. Sinai. There was a Japanese researcher, Dr. Ayuko Hoshino, in the laboratory of Dr. Lyden. They all presented their research. At Cornell- Weill, we had an opportunity to meet Japanese researchers who have been studying abroad for several years. They introduced their background to us. At Mt. Sinai, we had a laboratory tour. The laboratory was an open space, bright, and there were many shared spaces. We also had a tour of Mt. Sinai Medical School with medical students and could see a lecture room, the library, the dormitory and so on. I felt their enthusiasm for constant and active studying.
In addition, we experienced a drama workshop with Ms. Minami Yusui. She is from Kanazawa and performs on Broadway now. We learned how to project our voice, how to have good posture and it was interesting for me to express a word through only gestures or by using another word or sentences. It would be useful to improve relationship or understanding between patients and doctors. I was really impressed with Ms. Minami Yusui because she was a wonderful woman and I was energized whenever I met her. I would like to be like her, someone who has much energy and is cheerful.
What I felt through this program is that , whatever we do, it is important to be good at English and we need to have confidence. But an important thing is not only good English ability but also challenging ourselves to speak English. And we should always be active, not passive. Throughout the program, we were often asked “Do you have any questions?” but we Japanese tended to behave passively and often did not have any questions. I know there are differences in culture but I want to change and improve my attitude.
研究室訪問では、Cornell-WeillのDr. Lydenの研究室の星野歩子先生と、Mt.Sinaiでご自分の研究室を持っていらっしゃる森下博文先生を訪問させていただき、研究などのお話をしていただきました。さらにCornell-Weillでは日本から数年間研究のために留学されている先生方から、各々のバックグラウンドについてお話をしていただく機会もありました。Mt.sinaiでは研究室を案内していただきましたが、非常に開放的で、明るく、共有スペースも多く、羨ましい環境でした。Mt. Sinai Medical Schoolの医学生による大学内のツアーもあり、教室や図書館、寮などを見ることができました。ここでも、アメリカの医学生のコンスタントに勉強する熱心さや、積極性を感じました。
この他にも、金沢出身で現在ブロードウェイで女優として活躍されているMinami Yusuiさんによるワークショップもありました。声の使い方や姿勢の取り方にはじまり、とてもおもしろかったのが、ジェスチャーだけあるいは単語や文だけで、とある単語を表現するというものです。これは患者と医師の間の関係や理解の向上にも生かせると思いました。何よりMinamiさんご自身のお人柄が素晴らしく、お会いするたびに元気をいただきました。私も彼女のようなエネルギッシュさや明るさを持った女性になりたいと感じました。