

Joining the New York training program

Masataka Sakashita
At the simulation center set up at the building of PACE University close to the base of Brooklyn Bridge, we conducted inquiries and physical examination with standardized patients, or SPs. The SPs were people specializing in it, including Broadway actors. I interviewed the SPs for 10 minutes based on the scenario installed at the entrance of the room, and then received 5 minutes of feedback from them about the interview. I usually have few opportunities to receive feedback from my patient about my interview skills. The SPs praise gave me confidence, and their constructive criticism helped me reflect on how to be better.
In the shadowing of local doctors, I was able to experience what it really means to work in the USA with a realistic sensation. The state of the ward and the machines being introduced were not much different from those of Japan, but I saw teachers talking in the hallway where people gathered and naturally started discussions.

Brooklyn Bridgeの根元に近いPACE Universityの建物に設置されたシミュレーションセンターでは、模擬患者を相手とした問診や身体診察の実践を行いました。模擬患者はそれを専門にしている方々が行い、その中にはブロードウェイの役者も含まれていました。部屋の入口に設置されたシナリオを元にして模擬患者に10分間問診を行い、その問診について彼らから5分間のフィードバックを受けました。普段、自分の問診について患者からフィードバックを受けるという機会はほとんどありません。褒められた点は自信に、悪かったと指摘された点は反省に、どちらも役に立ちました。
