

School of Medicine, Current status:5th year(医学類5年)

Kasumi Shirasaki
The doctor working in the clinic , Dr. Anzai, invited me to the NYU Langone Medical Center, so I was able to attend the conference in the morning. In Japan, I have attended the internal medicine conference, but I felt that the conference in New York was different from Japan. For example, the presentation and atmosphere during the discussion were quite different. Especially, during the discussion, a lot of opinions were thrown out from all around. I was very surprised that young doctors expressed opposite views to their senior doctors. In Japan, I was often asked “Do you have any questions?” whenever I attended the lecture. However, I was often unable to express my opinion because I felt hesitation. So I realized that we Japanese can be very shy and closed.

(和訳)実習先の先生に、もし興味があれば滞在中の空いている時間にNYU Langone Medical Centerにも見学においでと言われ、朝7時からの合同カンファレンス等にも参加させていただきました。金沢大学病院でも内科を回っている時に合同カンファレンスに参加する機会はありましたが、向こうでは発表者のプレゼンテーションの仕方やディスカッションの雰囲気などあらゆる面で日本とは違っていました。特にディスカッションでは、年齢や立場に構わず四方八方から意見が飛び交い、途中でこれは喧嘩なのではないかと思うほどに白熱した議論をしていました。普段の実習で先生の講義や同学年の子の発表を聞いた後に必ず「質問はありませんか」と聞かれますが、義務でない限り質問したり感想を述べたりするのは稀で、自分たちがいかに内気で閉鎖的かという事を思い知らされました。

In this program, I had opportunities to talk with foreign people working in America as doctors and/or researchers. They went through great hardships to come to New York, and had a hard time during their stay. However, they all said, “ You should study abroad in the future. There are a lot of difficult things. But, there are more good things than bad things.” I want to study abroad in the future. I realized that I have to work harder than anyone else to study abroad.

