

Joining the New York training program

Naoki Kobayashi
In the simulation, I practiced a medical interview for 2 days with a simulated patient (SP), and on the last day I performed a physical examination for the case. The simulated patient here was actually an actual professional actor, so it felt quite realistic. As a flow of this simulation exercise, we had to do a medical interview for 10 minutes first, then receive feedback sessions for 5 minutes. Although I felt that I did not know what was what at first, through repetition and practice I was able to improve. I could not pronounce the name of one patient named Le Roy correctly. It was a good memory to have that SP practice with me about ten times.
For Shadowing, I went to Dr.Anzai, a Gynecologist and Dr. Asoma Kichiemon, an Ophthalmologist. It seems that half of the patients of Professor Anzai's clinic are Japanese people despite being a NY clinic, and it was also encouraging for Japanese pregnant women that Japanese gynecologists are still in NY. I thought. Dr. Asoma was impressive. His parents were Japanese, but he grew up in America from a young age, and his mannerisms and facial expressions were different from Japanese people.
At the laboratory visit I visited the laboratory of Professor Hoshino and Professor Hirofumi Morishita who has his own laboratory at Mt. Sinai. The American laboratory was very open and had a fresh impression where interaction with other labs was flourishing.

Shadowingでは産婦人科の医師、安西弦先生と眼科の医師、Asoma Kichiemon先生にお世話になりました。安西先生のクリニックの患者さんの半数はNYであるにもかかわらず日本人の方だそうで、やはり日本人の産婦人科医が NY にいるというのは日本人の妊婦さんにとって心強いのかな、と思いました。Asoma先生の両親は日本人なのですが小さいころからアメリカ育ちだそうで、表情の動かし方などが日本人のそれとは異なっていたのが印象的でした。
