ドイツ, ヴュルツブルク大学 (Germany, Würzburg university)
研究派遣学生 大学院生4年 E.Y
大学院生2年 M.Y

ドイツで放射線治療法の開発が進んでいる理由としてAMG13条項2b (§13, para 2b AMG)という法律の存在について学びました。他に治療法がない患者にのみ、患者の同意と医師指導の下で新しい放射線療法を実施できるというものです。患者の希望と新たな治療法の開発に大きく貢献する法律であると同時に危機管理や倫理上の法案とのバランスが課題です。Lu-177/Y-90-DOTATATEを用いたペプチド放射線受容体療法(PRRT)の案内により日本から希望患者をヴュルツブルク大学に紹介する制度もでき、今後日本の患者、患者家族、医師にとっても治療の選択肢として幅が広がるのではと期待しています。
Germany, Würzburg university。 Kanazawa University Graduate School Student Research Dispatch Program
Report for Kanazawa-Würzburg Exchange Program
The purpose of this report is explain what I did and learned through the Kanazawa-Würzburg Exchange Program. This opportunity I had with Würzburg university was a great chance to know the latest research.
Description of the visiting
I had an opportunity to visit at of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Nuclear Medicine of the University of Würzburg which works as the faculty of medicine, as well as the major research centers of the hospital and the University and the Comprehensive Heart Failure Center (CHFC) at the University of Würzburg and the University Hospital Würzburg which is one of eight Integrated Research and Treatment Centers supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research. I learn about the range of diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of nuclear medicine and the importance of nuclear medical examinations and treatments.
The GMP facility plays a critical role ensuring the products are safe to use for patients. The GMP facility makes it possible to provide the diverse products in their facility and provides the ability to develop and produce innovative treatments for their patients. They have succeeded to integrate research, teaching, and care for patients.
I also had a chance to visit the pharmacy department of Würzburg university hospital department and a community pharmacy, Mathilden Apotheke, and I could see how they contribute to society and what is their roles in hospital and community. We could discuss about the problems we are facing recently each other and our future vision.
The influence on future career plans
This opportunity to take part in Kanazawa-Würzburg Exchange Program is a definitely great impact on my future career. One of my main goals is to improve and develop skills for my research.
My experience at the Würzburg university hospital was the one that I will never forget. The chance to visit there and meet professional researchers provide me an opportunity to know the world highest peak and it is a great inspiration to me.